here is an album recorded by a. smith (basement sesssions) and myself under arsface. sliced into 3 trax, but better as a whole. smears, pests, loves, sounds, romantic. enjoy...
that crazy fucker a. smith has released a new basement sessions album. returning ep is an epic work of space and superb languidness that rustles like velvet badgers.a dream-like state of expansion and love. yay. download/stream the album here
my extrememly talented and very good friend jared hugeness ginsburg makes art in cape town, south africa. hes a total fuckin national treasure and hes also a super nice man. he goes under the lennoxx starr name sometimes, check out the link below for his work. be awed.
yo, got some stuff two tracks to post from my man aaron smith aka basement sessions aka my flatmate. this song blues is off his lovely goodness of an album ambient guitar. long sustaining winds-resentful is over amazing. taken from his winter escapist album, a true piece of excellence. link for ambient guitar lp and other albums/art/video super good stuff. winter escapist aint up yet, ill add it soon.
my flatmate aaron, of basement sessions, and i made a little garon jam under the arsface name. its a 7 minute song and dance of nothing. you can download/stream it from this site: arsface - z-a
hello agains. this is an album i made under hooray. its pretty random noise and useless sounds and things but there are nice moments and i like it. k bye.
this is two collections of tracks. the first is some stuff i did under hooray not too long ago and the other is "classical" pieces of sorts that i did over some time. alright.
an album of beats i made back in early 2006. pretty nice to smoke up to. my friend steven from cape town also makes under bob china. gonna post his shit up soon. stay tuned. bob china supergroup - the colours change
This is a compilation of tracks i made under lagos disco machine. they are collected from the warm orange ep and destruction sound lp as well as other tracks. made between 2006-2008. cool cool ok bye. lagos disco machine
Hi i created this so i can have a way to "release" music i am making. by myself or with other people. albums, jams, single tracks. whatever. i make music under different names so i will categorize it according to that. my name is gary and i am from cape town, south africa and currently reside in brooklyn, ny. i will try upload regularly music that i and friends of are making. cool, thanks.
from cape town, live in new york.
music that myself and friends make. i make/made music as lagos disco machine, pears, bob china supergroup, golden dwarves, positive face, heavy grapes, arsface, parrots, magical bum palace, private joke and curlyfingers...hit me up at